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Qucee's newspaper route

Get that paper! 📰💰

Sign up directly as a newspaper deliverer!

Enter your location
Choose your favorite newspaper route
See what you can earn
Sign up!
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Own Neighborhood Boss

You are personally responsible for your neighborhood; no one is looking over your shoulder.

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Easy earnings

With just an hour a day, you can already earn a nice amount!

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Plenty of free time

You have all the time for hobbies, school, or another job.


  • €15,19 per hour route. What is an hour route? See point 5 on our FAQ page.
  • Run your own newspaper route! You're the boss of your own area, no onlookers!
  • Pimp your delivery style with a free raincoat, bike bag, and choose your favorite newspaper!
  • After delivery: free play! Hobbies, school, part-time job, you decide it all! 🚀
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As the sun rises, you cruise on your bike to the nearby depot. With a kickstart coffee, you begin your mission: newspapers in your bike bag, check your route, and go!

At the start of your delivery adventure, you receive a handy bike bag and an address list. Discover exactly which newspaper to deliver to each address. You deliver multiple newspapers, including De Telegraaf, de Volkskrant, and AD.

Before 07:00 a.m., you've provided your neighborhood with breaking news, good vibes, and your daily workout. On Saturday, you enjoy an extra hour of rest because you only need to deliver the newspaper before 09:00 a.m. Ready for the day!

How does the registration process work?

You can often start within two weeks.

  • 1
    Fill out the registration form
  • 2
    Meet the depot holder
  • 3
    Sign the freelance agreement
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  • You love moving in the fresh outdoor air
  • You enjoy fun work that pays well
  • You get energy from delivering the latest news
  • 15 years or older? Then get that paper! 💪💵

👉 Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have registered, what now?

    Your details will be forwarded to the Depot Manager(s) in your area. If you have not been contacted within five working days, there are currently no newspaper routes available. If a route becomes available in the future, the Depot Manager will contact you.

  • I don't have experience as a newspaper deliverer, is that okay?

    No problem! You don't need experience to start as a newspaper deliverer. After you sign up, we'll connect you with your depot manager. They will explain all the ins and outs of the job to you. You'll receive a handy app that shows you exactly where to deliver each newspaper. You can choose your own route using the built-in Google Maps, selecting the path that suits you best.

Deliverer reviews

I started delivering newspapers because I love being outside. I feel free, early in the mornings when I have got the whole street to myself. I feel fit everyday and thats what makes newspaper delivery so great!
Bezorger 7
Gerard - 32 Years Deliverer
It's just nice work to do. Outside, fresh air, some exercise and nice earnings. Usually I just listen to music. I have bought a headset and now I am saving for a car!
Bezorger koptelefoon 6
Tijn - 17 years Deliverer
It's great exercise and you get the see the nature waking up. You stay fit and it's great to empty your mind. Elderly people tend to stay indoors more, but I love being outside.
Sipke - 62 years Deliverer
Its is great being outside. I feel like I've got the whole world to myself. I use the money to go out for dinners, holidays and I got my drivers license with it. It is a lovely start of the day.
Kautar - 25 years Deliverer
I deliver the newspapers together with my dog. We both get our exercise. I find it important to be there for my family and this way I work in the morning and I am home in time to have breakfast with my children.
Anja - Deliverer
Since I started the newspaper route, I've lost thirty kilograms. I feel much fitter, much more energetic. It has really brought me a lot!
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Betty - 53 years old Deliverer
The benefit of delivering newspapers, in my opinion: no hassle, no nagging, just enjoying your own company. Yes, that's what I like.
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Erik - 47 years old Deliverer
I was in a depressive mood, so delivering newspapers gave me structure. I had to get up at 6 am to ensure the newspaper was in the mailbox by 7 am. And that helped me tremendously.
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Henriëtte - 77 years old Deliverer
Group of newspaper deliverers from Bezorgdekrant.nl


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